如果你想获得德国无损检测学会颁发的NDT MASTER证书成为该领域的专家,只要参加SECTOR Cert 3级课程,并获得2个以上的SECTOR Cert 3级证书就有机会申请,详情见:

NDT Master: Innovations in the acquisition of the DGZfP title

The following requirements must be met:

  • The examination for the basics of level 3 (BC Module 1) must have been completed by a nationally accredited body for ISO 9712 (e.B. TÜV Nord, SECTOR Cert, TÜV Rheinland, ÖGfZP, SGZP, BINDT/PCN, etc.).

  • The Level 3 Basics training must have been proven to have covered 80 hours of training time and must have taken place at a recognised training facility.

  • Two valid Level 3 certificates must be available from a nationally accredited body for ISO 9712 (e.B. TÜV Nord, SECTOR Cert, TÜV Rheinland, ÖGfZP, SGZP, BINDT/PCN, etc.) and recertified in accordance with the rules at the DGZfP.

  • The training courses BC modules 2 and 3 including successful examination must still be completed at the DGZfP.

Your way to the NDT Master®